Thursday, 15 December 2011


The first shot is a close up of someone playing the guitar. This emphasizes the indie genre as a guitar is a typical instrument in the indie genre. The second shot is of a man walking down a street. This is going to be a long shot and then the man will walk past the camera. His facial expression will be emotionless as we are unsure of where he is going. The third shot is going to be a behind shot of a girl walking in the opposite direction to the man. This will also be a long shot as well. We don't see the girl's facial expression as we are shooting from behind.

The fourth shot is of the girl walking towards the camera in the same direction. This will be a long shot so we can see the girl's body language. The fifth shot is multiple shots of the girl and boy walking through the town centre. They will be a variety of shots, long, medium and close ups. The sixth shot is the lead singer emotionally singing into the microphone. This will be a close up of the lead singer and the microphone so we can see the emotion in his face.

After the lead singer has sung the chorus we cut to a behind shot of the boy looking at a street sign. It is a medium shot and shows the audience that the boy is trying to find a place. It is going to be a medium shot. It is ambiguous where he is trying to get to which is hopefully what the audience will think. The eighth shot is the girl looking at the street sign but in the opposite direction. It is also going to be a medium shot. We now realise that the girl and boy are heading to the same place which makes the storyline clearer. The camera then turns to a medium shot of the girl looking at the sign post. This is so the audience can see her curious expression.

The first shot is of an extreme close up of the girls eye which is a typical convention of an emotional indie song. The next shot merges into an extreme close up of the boy's eye which is again a typical convention of an emotional indie song. The next shot is a medium close up of the boy looking at the street sign looking curious which shows the audience that he's looking for the same place as the girl.

The next shot is of the guy walking into the museum gardens and this will be from behind so the audience can clearly see where he is going. This will be a long shot so the audience can get a wider view of the surroundings and it sets the atmosphere for the video. The next shot is a high angle of the boy laying down on the grass just as the lyrics sing 'if I lay here' which gives the lyrics some literal meaning. The shot is a medium close up as we want to see the relief and relaxation on the boy's face.

We then go to a high angle and long shot of the boy layng down so we can see whereabouts he is laid. This also gives us a clear view of the man's surroundings and sets the tone of wonder and excitement at what's going to happen next which is a typical convention of the indie genre. The next shot is a medium close up of the girl laying down on the grass. We can also see her relaxed and happy expression which arouses the audiences suspisions but keeps their attention as they will want to know what happens next. The next shot is a high angle and long shot of the girl and boy laying next to each other which will then show that they were trying to find each other all along.

In the next shot we see that the boy is looking to his left and smiling. This is a close up shot of the boy's face so the audience can view his expression. the next shot is of the girl looking to the right and smiling. This is also a close up so we can see the girl's happy face. These shots are very typical of a love song although they aren't typical of an Indie song as they are normally sad, worried or scared in a typical indie love song. The next shot will lead to the chorus and the band will be shown altogether and the lead singer will be singing emotionally singing. This will be a long shot so we can see all of the band members.

The next shot sees a long shot of the boy and girl walking down the street holding hands. This is quite an iconic shot as it represents love and happiness. This is very typical of love stories but it isn't very conventional of the indie genre as there aren't many love scenes. The next shot is a closer shot of the couple as they are walking down the street. This is again from behind them and the speed of the cars and passers by will be faster than normal to signal that time is flying by. The next shot is the band shot again and it is again a long shot to show the members in the band.

The next shot is a long shot of the guy and girl looking over each other's shoulders and then back at each other in a sign of love. We can see the bare emotion of their love and the looking into each other's eyes is a very conventional love scene. This mixes with the song very well as it's about sacrificing everything for your loved one. This then fades into the next shot which is a medium close up of the guy and girl looking at each other which builds up tension between them as well as the audience. Then we fade into a close up of the boy and girl looking at each other. This again builds up the tension and gives the audience curiousity of what's going to happen next.

The final shot is a close up of the lead singer emotionally singing into the microphone as the video fades to black. This is typical as it shows how the lead singer is part of the main focus in the story. This could indicate if the lead singer has had an experience like this.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Shot Lists

1. Close up of guitar being played.
2. Man walking up street. This will be a long shot.
3. Cross to girl walking up a street in the opposite direction. This will be a long shot as well.
4. Cuts between boy and girl until they walking in different directions.
5. Chorus. Crosses to the band playing. Posed in a studio. Will be a medium shot.
6. Cuts to boy looking at street sign.
7. Cuts to girl looking at the street sign.
8. Cuts to medium shot of the girl.
9. Crosses/ dissolves to a close up of the girl's eye.
10. Fades to a close up of the boy's eye.
11. Then cuts to a medium shot of the boy.
12. Shoots from behind as the boy walks into the museum gardens.
13. Shoots from front of girl walking into museum gardens.
14. Cuts to the boy laying down on the grass.
15. Girl joins him. Medium long shot.
16. High angle as boy and girl look at each other.
17. Close up of boy looking at the girl.
18. Close up of the girl looking at the boy.
19. For the chorus it returns to the band as they play. This will be another medium shot.
20. Long shot as the boy and girl are walking together.
21. Fast cuts as the girl and boy are together. In the museum gardens and all over york.
22. Cuts to band and lead singer finishing the song off as it fades to black.

Friday, 9 December 2011

Planning - Characters

We are going to have a girl and a boy who are in love and trying to find their way to each other. We are going to have myself as the girl. I will have my bright red jacket on (red is the colour of love), a pair of jeans to represent the indie genre as they are casual and I will have some dolly shoes on. We will dress the boy up with a red top to also show love, he will have jeans on and a pair of trainers.

We will then have a band with two boys and a girl, one of the boys will be the lead singer who will wear a hoodie, a pair of dark jeans and a casual T-shirt/top. The other boy will be a guitarist who will wear either a hoodie or a casual jacket, jeans and some trainers. The girl will be the other guitarist on an acoustic guitar who will wear jeans, a casual top (we don't mind which colour) and some nice dolly shoes.